Despite the fact that the recovery began in the third quarter of 2009, the unemployment rate in the United States remained at 9.4% in December and the U.S. is still experiencing record levels of long-term unemployment. Even if the recovery should continue and grow stronger, the Congressional Budget Office does not expect the overall unemployment rate to drop to 5% until 2014 and others predict it will take even longer. Those people who have been out of work for six months or more are likely to be among the last to find jobs. Thus, the alarmingly high rate of long-term unemployment in the U.S. is likely to persist for many years.This day and a half conference will be held on April 1-2, 2011 on UCLA’s campus. It will focus on the consequences of long-term unemployment and the policies that are needed to address it. The program includes presentations examining the psychological and economic consequences of long-term unemployment as well as policies intended to increase job creation and get the long-term unemployed back into jobs.

- This event has passed.