Filipinos That Strike

United Teachers Los Angeles 3303 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA

Please join UTLA educators, leaders, and organizers in partnership with UCLA Labor Studies for the launch of the ongoing oral history and archive project to document the role of Filipinos […]

Data Economies and Futures: An In-Depth Dialogue

3312 Murphy Hall

Join UCLA Data X for a discussion on how data and digital ecosystems have reshaped our world, intertwining technology with entrepreneurial and economic outcomes, and changing the way people live […]

Visualizing Oral History

Los Angeles-based artist Phung Huynh, whose work centers on Southeast Asian refugee experiences, will discuss labor issues through an immigrant/refugee lens. She’ll share insights on her Metro public art commission, […]

UCLA Coding Camp for Union Research

The UCLA Strategic Research Lab will hold a five-day intensive training in using the power of Python coding to simplify tasks for union research. The training is designed by expert […]

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