Researching Litigation & Legislation

Workshop Description:

Wonder whether an employer has been sued or prosecuted, and for what? Need to look up whether there’s a federal, state, or local law that exists or a measure that’s pending related to your campaign? Learn how to find employer litigation and prosecution history, as well as existing law, legislative history, and currently pending bills (with summaries and vote histories) through a mix of paid and free databases. Expect instruction and in-class research activities individually and in small groups.

Workshop Leader:

Tia Koonse is the Legal and Policy Research Manager at the UCLA Labor Center, where she provides legal research on low-wage industries and program support for ReWork: The Worker Justice Institute and the Black Worker Center. She holds a law and a master’s degree (’11) in urban planning from UCLA’s Epstein Program in Public Interest Law and Policy, with concentrations in Critical Race Studies and Community Development and Housing. She was co-Editor-in-Chief of the Los Angeles Public Interest Law Journal and her student note, “There Is No There, There: How Anti-Discrimination Successes for Trans Litigants Under the Categories of Sex and Disability Can Further the Intersex Rights Movement,” won the 2008 Dukeminier Awards Student Writing Competition for best note on issues relating to sexual orientation and gender identity in the law.