Chris Newman

Unit 18 Faculty

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"Chris Newman is the Legal Director & General Counsel for the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) based in its Los Angeles office. He has worked with day laborers since 2002, was hired as NDLON’s first attorney in 2004 and since then, has helped develop and coordinate NDLON’s work to defend and advance day laborers’ civil, workplace, and human rights. He was counsel on a coalition lawsuit challenging Arizona’s SB 1070 in federal court.

Before working at NDLON, he was the founding coordinator of the Wage Clinic and Legal Program at El Centro Humanitario para los Trabajadores, a day laborer work center in Denver, CO. He is the recipient of an Academy of Educational Development New Voices Fellowship. He is currently a Transatlantic Forum on Migration and Integration fellow at the German Marshall Fund. He earned his J.D. with honors from the University of Denver College of Law."

Courses Taught

LBR STD 168: Law and Politics of Immigration: Migrants and Inevitable Evolution of Collective and Indivdual Rights
LBR STDS 194B: Anatomy of a Dream: The Past, Present, and Future of DACA


Civil Rights