Book Presentation – Just Neighbors? Research on African American and Latino Relations in the United States
Editors Edward Telles, Mark Sawyer and Gaspar Rivera-Salgado willbe joined by distinguished panelists to discuss how African Americans and Latinos relate to each other in contemporary American society and how these social interactions are transforming the US political, cultural and labor landscapes. Just Neighbors? Research on African American and Latino Relations in the US is […]
2012 Benjamin Aaron Labor Law LectureSeparate and Unequal: Arbitration and Private Justice
Cliff Palefsky, a dynamic speaker and leading critic of mandatory arbitration agreements, will provide valuable insights from the plaintiff's perspective on the "hot topic" of employment dispute arbitration. Mr. Palefsky has been in the forefront of the opposition to mandatory arbitration for the past 24 years in both the courts and the legislature. He has […]
Sea Change or More of the Same? Looking Beyond November 6: A Presidential Election Panel Discussion
After the horse race is over and Election 2012 has been decided, the business of governing is going to get very difficult very quickly. With budget cuts looming and taxes set to rise, voters are struggling to understand competing visions for the future. Is a balanced compromise possible in an atmosphere of extreme partisanship? How […]
Death and Taxes (and other hot topics): Debating the 2012 California Ballot Propositions
California voters face big decisions on the 2012 ballot initiatives. From tax policyto the death penalty to genetically modified food labeling, a lot is at stake on the ballot. Join us for an educational and informative forum to analyze the initiatives.