Intro to Strategic Corporate Research
Workshop Description:
BEGINNER LEVEL TRACK. Come and learn the basics of what strategic corporate research entails with Chad Gray, UniServ Director at the Washington Education Association and former Research Coordinator at the Workers Defense Project. In this workshop you will learn the fundamentals of why strategic corporate research matters, the basics of what strategic researchers explore in the course of their ordinary work, and some basic tools we use to find this information.
Workshop Leader:
Chad Gray is a UniServ Director at the Washington Education Association where he supports bargaining and internal organizing campaigns with certificated and classified K-12 staff in the Bellingham, WA area. Prior to moving to Washington, he was the Research Coordinator at Workers Defense Project, an Austin-based worker center building economic and political power for construction workers across Texas. His work at WDP focused on corporate and industry research, strategic campaigns, and advancing economic development policies that benefit working families. He received his PhD in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University in 2015 and began his work in the labor movement as a union organizer with the Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees (UNITE).