Corporate Power Research 101

Workshop Description:

In this workshop, Aly will walk through the basics of how to research a company and find its key decision makers. From there, we will walk through how to track key corporate players, build out webs of corporate interconnectedness, and create corporate power maps that help strengthen corporate campaigns. The workshop will also include a training on how to use LittleSis online research tools like the LittleSis database, a wiki-style database that houses research on powerful people and corporations, and the LittleSis Oligrapher mapping tool that allows you to design quality, interactive, and easily shareable power maps. Make sure to bring your laptop to try out these LittleSis tools!

Workshop Leader:

Aly is a Research Analyst working on the state power mapping program at LittleSis. Based in Pittsburgh, she previously spent 8 years as an environmental justice organizer at Pittsburgh UNITED and labor organizer at UFCW Local 1776. Over the years she has led campaigns to prevent the privatization of Pittsburgh’s water system, to make drinking water safer and more affordable, and organized grocery store workers to win higher wages and safer working conditions during the COVID 19 pandemic. She received her BA in Political Science from the University of Pittsburgh and her Master’s in Public Administration from Carnegie Mellon University.