RLE Colloquia Series — Counter Culture & American Hair: Untangling race, labor and class in salons and diners

Author, photographer and cultural critic, Candacy Taylor has traveled over 26,000 miles throughout the United States documenting diner waitresses for her book Counter Culture: The American Coffee Shop Waitress (Cornell University Press). She is now working on a project with the Library of Congress examining hair, culture and identity in America for her forthcoming book […]

The Lifetime Cost of Job Displacement

Major economic downturns bring large increases in permanent layoffs among workers with high prior tenure on the job. We refer to this type of job loss event as a displacement. Previous research shows that job displacements lead to large and persistent earnings losses for the affected workers. The available evidence also indicates that job displacement […]

Annual Conference: “Race, Labor, & the Law”

The UCLA Institute for Research and Employment presents it's 2014 conference on Race, Labor, & the Law. In coordination with the Critical Race Studies Program at the UCLA School of Law, the conference will take place at UCLA on Friday and Saturday, February 28 and March 1, 2014. Join leading legal scholars, social scientists, humanists […]

Book Talk: “Getting Back to Full Employment: A Better Bargain for Working People”

While most people intuitively know that low unemployment is important to job seekers, they may not realize that high levels of employment actually would make an enormous difference in the lives of large segments of the workforce who already have jobs. Particularly in an era of historically high wage and income inequality, many in the […]

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