IRLE Publications

UCLA’s Institute for Research on Labor and Employment publications can also be found at eScholarship® which provides scholarly publishing and repository services that enable departments, research units, publishing programs, and individual scholars associated with the University of California to have direct control over the creation and dissemination of the full range of their scholarship. Learn more here.

How Global Migration Changes the Workforce Diversity Equation

Massimo Pilati, Hina Sheikh, Francesca Sperotti, Chris Tilly

January 4, 2015

Global Research, Immigration, Publications, Book/Edited Volume

The book particularly underlines the challenges faced in host societies, including exclusion to the point of “hyper-precarity,” anti-migrant attitudes, and the widespread organizational indifference to the importance of diversity management.

This article challenges the organization-movement dichotomy by demonstrating the important influence of union organizational dimensions on the dynamics of social movement unionism.

Experiences Organizing Informal Workers brings together scholars from a varied set of countries to draw comparative lessons about which strategies work and which do not, where, why, and how.

This report considers 172 theatrical film releases in 2011 and 1,061 broadcast, cable and digital platform television shows from the 2011-12 season in order to document the degree to which women and minorities are present in front of and behind the camera.

Media Contact

Dr. Ana-Christina Ramón, Director of Research and Civic Engagement for the Division of Social Sciences, at

Sunshine Was Never Enough shows how labor in all its guises_blue and white collar, industrial, agricultural, and high tech_shaped the neighborhoods, economic policies, racial attitudes, and class perceptions of the City of Angels.

Rethinking Workplace Regulation: Beyond the Standard Contract of Employment

Katherine V.W. Stone (IRLE Faculty Advisory Committee) and Harry Arthurs

February 14, 2013

Economic Justice, Global Research, Publications, Book/Edited Volume

In Rethinking Workplace Regulation, nineteen leading scholars from ten countries and half a dozen disciplines present a sweeping tour of the latest policy experiments across the world that attempt to balance worker security and the new flexible employment paradigm.

Are Bad Jobs Inevitable? Trends, Determininants and Responses to Job Quality in the Twenty-First Century

Chris Warhurst, Francoise Carre, Patricia Findlay and Chris Tilly

February 21, 2012

Economic Justice, Publications, Book/Edited Volume

Bringing together an internationally renowned group of academics, the book defines and measures bad jobs, explains variation and change in job quality, and identifies workplace practices and broader non-workplace strategies for making bad jobs better.

Beyond Green Jobs: Building Lasting Opportunities in Energy Efficiency

Daniel Villao, Uyen Le, Stefanie Ritoper

January 1, 2012

Publications, The Future of Work, Book/Edited Volume

Beyond Green Jobs is a new book that describes how comprehensive, deep green energy efficiency can bring the best benefits to the environment and create good, long-term careers.

Just Neighbors? Research on African American and Latino Relations in the United States

Edward Telles, Mark Sawyer and Gaspar Rivera-Salgado

September 21, 2011

Black Employment, Immigration, Publications, Book/Edited Volume

Just Neighbors? challenges the traditional black/white paradigm of American race relations by examining African Americans and Latinos as they relate to each other in the labor market, the public sphere, neighborhoods, and schools.

Unions and Education Justice: The Case of SEIU Local 1877 Janitors and the “Parent University”

Veronica Terriquez, John Rogers, Gary Blasi, Janna Shadduck Hernandez, Lauren D. Appelbaum,

October 1, 2009

Education, Publications, Policy Brief