Papers and Journal Articles by IRLE Staff

The Future of Work: From Dystopia to Utopia?

Peter Evans, Chris Tilly

November 2015

Patterns of Work-Related Injury and Common Injury Experiences of Workers in the Low-Wage Labor Market

Kevin Riley, Doug Morier

*Report to the Commission on Health and Safety and Workers’ Compensation California Department of Industrial Relations

March 2015

Social Movement Unionism in Practice: Organizational Dimensions of Union Mobilization in the Los Angeles Immigrant Rights Marches

Cassandra Engeman

*Published in Work, Employment and Society Journal

*Received IRLE research support and Honorable Mention for the 2015 Harry Braverman Award from the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Labor Studies Division

Beyond ‘contratos de protección’: Strong and weak unionism in Mexican retail enterprises

Chris Tilly

* IRLE Director Chris Tilly’s recent article, “Beyond ‘contratos de protección’: Strong and weak unionism in Mexican retail enterprises,” has been awarded the Social Sciences Essay Award by the Mexico Section of the Latin American Studies Association.

Worker Engagement in the Health and Safety Regulatory Arena under Changing Models of Worker Representation

Linda Delp, Kevin Riley

*Published in Labor Studies Journal, February 23, 2015



Converging Divergences in Formal and Informal Work: Longitudinal Evidence from Mexico

Chris Tilly, Diana Denham

*Published in Global Labour Journal, Volume 6, Number 1, 2015

Los trabajadores gue se organizan en la plaza:

contra-movimiento de una fuente inesperada

Chris Tilly, Enrique de la Garza, José Luis Gayosso, Hugo Sarmiento

*Published Economía Crítica 18, Fall 2014: 160-61

From Agricultural Fields to Urban Asphalt: The Role of Worker Education to Promote California’s Heat Illness Prevention Standard*

Kevin Riley, Linda Delp, Deogracia Cornelio, Sarah Jacobs

*Published in New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, Volume 22, Number 4, 2012

Is More Necessarily Better? Leadership and Organizational Development of Migrant HomeTown Associations in Los Angeles, California*
Luis Escala Rabadán, Gaspar Rivera Salgado, Rigoberto Rodríguez* Published in Migraciones Internacionales, Vol 6 (2), Julio-Deciembre 2011
Why austerity must not mean the end of active labour market policies*

Chris Tilly

* Published in Priorties for a new political economy: Memos to the left by the Policy Network, May 2011.

Anuario de relaciones laborales 2012

Chapter 3, Section 4 “Desempleo en Estado Unidos” by former IRLE Research Director Lauren Appelbaum

New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy

Volume 20, Number 4, based on the 5th International Congress on Women, Work, and Health

Edited by Leonor Cedillo Becerril, Linda Delp, and María de los Angeles Garduño Andrade

Building Power: The Los Angeles Black Worker Center Turns Excluded Workers into Forces for Change

Yelizavetta Kofman

Published by Progressive Planning

Short Hours, Long Hours: Hour Levels and Trends in the Retail Industry in the United States, Canada and Mexico*Francoise Carre, Chris Tilly

Upjohn Institute Working Paper. Published by the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research

Work Hours in Retail, Room for Improvement*Francoise Carre, Chris Tilly

Upjohn Institute Policy Paper. Published by the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research

Trade Unions, Inequality, and Democracy in the US and MexicoChris Tilly

Published by Rethinking Development & Inequality

Labor in the Global South: A Search for Solutions

Abigail Cooke, Taekyoon Lim, Peter Norlander, Elena Shih, and Chris Tilly



Sociology of Work: An Encyclopedia

Lauren Appelbaum

Chapter in Sociology of Work: An Encyclopedia, edited by Vicki Smith and published by Sage